Clifton Middleton
2 min readNov 7, 2019


I like the cut of your jib. The herb can be used to heal the Nations spiritually, physically and economically. Our forefathers obtained economic freedom using hemp, our first freedom, from which all the rest arose.

He is an excerpt from a ganja inspired book, Hard Seed there are several examples of how thinking right about hemp could change the people of the world.

“Haitian Economics, a Practical Plan

There are two time proven green technologies that could provide Haiti with a sustainable economic and agricultural base. One, Separating Toilets and two, Industrial Hemp.

Here is how they work.

First of all, separating toilets, separating toilets collect urine and feces in separate places. Human urine is 18 percent organic nitrogen and can replace imported chemical fertilizer. Separating toilets do not use and pollute the water supply and are being utilized all over the world to ensure sanitation, protect the environment and collect the most essential of agricultural resources, Nitrogen.

How much Nitrogen, enough Nitrogen to produce all of the food and fuel necessary for a sustainable society. Here is the math, 125 gallons of urine pppy, per person per year, 50 pounds of nitrogen per person. One million participants could yield 50 million pounds of organic, renewable fertilizer and provide the key to a truly sustainable food and energy production.

Secondly, Industrial Hemp. We take the nitrogen and grow Industrial Hemp on a massive scale. Hemp’s complex root system will help restore the denuded Haitian ecology and hills while producing the raw material for an entire industry. Hemp production, processing and manufacturing will provide full employment for millions of Haitians. Hemp can be made into fuel, fiber, building material, food, medicine and more than 25,000 other products used by modern civilization. It is possible to plant enough Industrial Hemp to provide the foundation for a sustainable and prosperous economy providing fuel, food, fiber and thousands of green, permanent jobs.

Haiti needs to completely rebuild their sanitation system, they need fertilizer for agriculture, they need to create an economy based on production and CAN accomplish all of this with simple technologies. The Plan is doable, deployable and decentralized. The Haitian people and nation could become the Gold Standard of how to establish and maintain a sustainable and Independent civilization.”



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