Nice Mike, only you failed to mention the largest most powerful manifestation of Direct Democracy the world has ever experienced, (but not acknowledged), namely the Marijuana Movement. We have won everywhere with Direct Democracy by Plebiscite and have put together a winning coalition of the people. We carried Florida on a constitutional amendment with over 72 percent of the eligible vote, those excluded from voting would have put that number over 90 percent. We would have carried the Dims and Hillary had she supported our righteous cause. We would have carried Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida and Pennsylvania, but she refused to represent us so she lost to a retarded demon and the dims still do not see our power. We are the shit and it is time all of the intellectuals get real and focus on this one issue that impacts all other issues, economics, how about those jobs, Free Market Hemp creates a Virtuous Economic Cycle that lifts us just like hemp production created the first economically free humans in America, 1776, ask Colorado and California.
The pot laws embody all that is evil in society and their full throat-ed repeal with mark the beginning of a world wide sustainable direct democracy.
We need to focus our fire on one issue that is the essence of populism and in so doing create a living, direct democracy. Electronic voting, Direct Democracy and Universal Birthright ….. Hard Seed.