The Adventures of Clifton Ray Middleton

Chapter 5 Sophomore Year ~ Undefeated Almost

Clifton Middleton
7 min readJun 16, 2018
“A locked door of an old block temple with steps beneath it.” by Jayme McColgan on Unsplash

The beginning of 10th grade was beyond exciting. My classes were interesting Biology, French, Geometry and I joined the wrestling team. I did have a glitch when the Geometry teacher said that to take her class, Mrs. Guise, the Algebra teacher had to recommend me, especially since the record showed that I had received a D in Algebra.

I surely knew where Mrs. Guise was and went to her room between classes and said, “Mrs. Crane said that to take Geometry I would have to get a recommendation from you.” She looked at me in her perfectly straight up and down way and read out the judgement, “You missed several exams including the final exam and did not turn in very much homework, and your grade reflects your effort.”

Somehow I appreciated the thought more for the remembering than for truth. I said nothing, a silent supplicant without reply. We had battled it out in Algebra class, me showing off, trying to solve the problems without showing any work and her demanding to see, on the board, every step. The back and forth tit and tat caused the class to laugh which is why I did it and she knew it. Now, no one was laughing.

“I have never recommended anyone for Geometry that did not obtain at least a B in Algebra, Never the less,” she…



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