Clifton Middleton
1 min readMar 14, 2019


You are talking about the Marijuana Movement, the largest demonstration of grass roots, ‘local to national’ Direct Democracy that exists today in America and I dare say the world.

Go ahead now, take a break and light one up as the idea for a citizen based Plebiscitic form of Agreement appears through the clouds. We are and can manifest the Voice of the People. Our coalition crosses all lines from the KKK to Black Lives Matter, they are all under our tent, smoking even as you read these words.

We won Florida with over 72 percent of the vote on a constitutional amendment, we would have carried Hillary and the Dems had any of them smoked a joint in the last 50 years and willing to support our righteous cause. We did this in every state and could call a National Convention if we really wanted to change the deal, which we do and will.

And we have an Agenda. check out an article i wrote on medium,



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